Especiality Coffee Shop with Burj View for Salein business bay

Price: 700,000 AED
Phone Number: +971551956677
Established Since: December 20, 2023
Size: 1,200
Reason for Sale: Ending Partnership
Number of Employees: 2
Shop Size : 1200 SFT
Rental: 100,000/- AED
Date of Starting: 31/12/2023
Employees: 2
Salaries : ,000 AED
Revenue: 1000 per Avg
Reason for sale: Partnership ending
The coffee shop has both indoor and outdoor sittings with a combine capacity of 70 people. Burj Khalifa view, family park starting soon and very reasonable rental makes it a good opportunity for buyer. Proper kitchen with capacity of Shisha available which can be a big business booster. The partners of this cafe wants to sale the business because both are unable to give time.