Supermarket business for sale in Deirah Dubai for sale

Price: 1,200,000 AED
Phone Number: +971551956677
Established Since: August 24, 2023
Size: 4,600
Revenue: 170,000 AED
Number of Employees: 12
Size : 4600 SFT
Rental: 260000 AED
No of Employee: 12
Daily sales: 170000 AED
Inventory 250K to 300K AED
Summary: The supermarket was acquired 6 month ago for turnaround purpose. Previously the business was in debt and was not managed well. The current owner has invested his time, money and has resolved issues to make it work. The reason for all his effort was due to nice set up and location of the supermarket. The asking price is negotiable and the business is doing fine at the moment.